Skincare Consistancy
What is really important with skin care is consistancy. Consistancy of care, and consistancy of product. Our skin cream has similar ingredients to our soaps. Our soaps help to nourish the surface of the skin, while the skin cream nourishes what is below the surface.... this is consistancy..... and this is really important when dealing with the skin. Skin has multiple layers, and all layers must be addressed with consistancy for a successful outcome. The skin has the ability to flair up and reject what it thinks will hurt it. Keep your skin care simple and chemical free, and your skin will reward you by being calm and nourished.
1 comment
Hi my name is Rose-Marie Bremner
I recently visited your stall at the healthy women’s lifestyle and I purchased the simple naked soap for my grandson (excema soap) from you to send to Australia, and also the ointment in a glass jar. I also wanted to have another jar for my partner and you said you would send it too. Further to that, I got home and the charcoal soap that I purchased was not put in the bag, because I think between the two of you – one told the other how to pack etc,,,,you were busy!! I never thought to check.
I paid for these items and because you had run out late saturday afternoon,with the ointment evening primrose and avacado cream for breakout legs, you reckon would do the trick for excema too. I was promised that you would send me a jar to Box 58 Nuhaka,(5 Hikanui street) Northern Hawkes
Bay 4165 postcode.You wrote it down but I have never seen it yet and I am worried about that. My phone number is 027-6164245.
Thank you. I couldnt find a phone number.
Yours sincerely,
Rose-Marie Bremner