Our skin creams are chemical and fragrance free, and are perfect for the whole body including hands, feet and face - and especially for those with sensitive skin. Your skin will love you again. There is nothing to extreme for this skin cream
Evening Primrose & Avocado (Farmers and outdoor workers)
Ingredients are: Contains: Natural Bees wax, Organic Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Organic Avocado Oil, Organic safflower oil & evening primrose.. Avocado oil is a very deep nourishing skin food.
This skin cream can be paired with an eczema or psoriasis soap for those that need extra relief.
For hard working men and women who's hands crack and dry - this is the only skin cream you will ever need. Guys, it is no longer a badge of honour to have your hands smashed apart - how can you work properly with cracked and smashed up hands. This skin cream heals the cracks, and stops the skin from peeling off the back of the nail. There are more guys using this cream than girls, and a guy with no cracks in his hands or fingers will always be a more productive worker.
A little goes a long way - you don't need much of this stuff
170g net